Prevention of Water Pollution

Water is critical for survival. Without water for even a few days, our bodies deteriorate and fatality can occur. Yet, despite knowing that water is necessary for survival, water is increasingly being carelessly polluted with landfill waste and other contaminants. In fact, about 80% of the world’s wastewater is being dumped back into the environment, only to further increase the pollution of all waterways. As such, our lakes, rivers, oceans, and seas are becoming bombarded with toxic heavy metals, chemicals, pollutants, and various other contaminants. Because of this, contaminated water is not only jeopardizing the health of our planet but also our own vitality and well-being.

Drinking polluted water is dangerous, even fatal to the human body. In fact, drinking contaminated water contributes to more deaths per year than war and all other forms of violence combined. While this may not hit home to you because Americans have some of the purest forms of drinking water available around the world, the truth is that the more polluted freshwater is, the more contaminates will end up in your water regardless of the purification methods used. As a result, harmful chemicals like arsenic, copper, and lead are found in tap water everywhere in the U.S., causing health ailments to give rise to everyone consuming it.

Therefore, it is not only essential to the well-being of the environment but your own well-being that we learn how to best prevent the further expansion of water pollution. The more awareness around this topic, the quicker we can improve our freshwater systems and, thus, improve the quality of life for all beings and creatures all around.

The Prevention of Water Pollution

Because water is known as a “universal solvent”, meaning that it is able to dissolve more substances than any other liquid, it is also particularly vulnerable to pollution and the effects of contamination. As such, when water pollution occurs, it degrades the quality of water and makes it toxic for the environment and human consumption. In fact, contaminated water makes about 1 billion people sick per year, oftentimes affecting low-income communities the most because of the lack of appropriate water treatment systems in place. However, contaminated water also affects people where purification techniques are used, even in the U.S. Thousands of people in the U.S. contract Legionnaires’ disease, a severe type of pneumonia caused by bacteria, each year due to drinking contaminated water. Diseases such as cholera, giardia, and typhoid can also spread through the usage of unsafe water.

In order to stop the disastrous effects polluted water has on the ecosystem and human health, it is essential that each of us take simple, proactive steps to limit our contribution to this contamination. Some of the ways we can reduce water pollution include:

  • Reducing our usage of plastic consumption. Plastic water bottles are one of the biggest offenders and contributors to water pollution. Try to minimize your usage by buying glass or aluminum water bottles instead. Both of these are reusable and aluminum, in particular, decomposes fairly quickly, unlike plastic bottles which can take hundreds of years to decompose.
  • Properly disposing chemicals, oils, and non-biodegradable items. Never drain these items down a drain, sink, or toilet as they end up surfacing back up in freshwater.
  • Minimizing or avoiding usage of pesticides and herbicides on your lawn. Trying to reduce the usage of these chemicals can greatly reduce the amount of contaminants that end up in freshwater reservoirs.
  • Maintaining your car so that no leaks from oil, antifreeze, or coolant seep into the environment.
  • Picking up your trash. While it may be obvious that picking up your trash is good for the environment, it is all too common for us to think that one piece of trash is no big deal and won’t contribute much to water pollution. However, each piece of trash does have an impact on the environment as it all adds up. Therefore, do your part and properly dispose of your trash. You can even pick up other trash you find, as long as it’s safe to do so.
  • Conserving the water in your household. By turning off the tap water when you are not using it, you are reducing the need for unnecessary water to have to go through a treatment cycle. The less contaminated water that needs treatment, the better the treatment will be for the water that is being cycled through for decontamination.
  • Partnering with companies that support the reduction of water pollution: There are organizations that go around and help clean up trash around waterways. Participating in something like this not only helps the environment but also makes you feel good that you are contributing to a useful cause in the process. Another way to support this cause is to donate to organizations that help reduce water pollution or buy products from companies that are eco-conscious and contributing to the efforts.

While this is not an all-inclusive list for proactive measures to take against water pollution, it does outline some of the simplest ways to get started. Even taking small actions to help prevent the contamination of water can make all the difference.

How to Advocate for the Prevention of Water Pollution

Water pollution is serious and deadly. If proactive steps aren’t taken, our planet will cease to thrive any longer and as such, we will be unable to exist, as well. Therefore, it is imperative that each of us start to take steps toward the betterment of our planet today.

One way we can do this is to start switching from plastic water bottles to aluminum water bottles. Aluminum is much easier on the planet, as it is reusable, recyclable, and easily decomposes fairly quickly, especially when compared to plastic, which takes hundreds of years to disintegrate. Drinking the purest, cleanest form of water in aluminum cans, therefore, will not only help the planet but will propel your body towards a state of health and vitality. Try alkaline rainwater in an aluminum can today and you will be glad you are contributing to the betterment of the environment and your own well-being.

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