Environmental Preservation

While there is much talk in the news about the importance of reducing our carbon footprint on the planet, many people may not understand just how vital taking a step in environmental preservation is to their everyday lives. The ecosystem (the community of interacting organisms and their environment) that we live in provides us with natural resources essential to the quality and survival of our health and life. When an ecosystem is threatened, the health of animals, humans, and plants are also in danger. Furthermore, the economy, society, and environment are directly impacted when the ecosystem is in a state of despair. Therefore, it is critical that we understand just how paramount environmental preservation is to our lives and take action by reducing our carbon footprint on the planet.

The good news is that it doesn’t need to cost a lot of money to turn things around. Making simple changes in your everyday life can provide wonders in helping to reduce your carbon footprint on the planet. If this isn’t of a concern for you, it would benefit you to understand just the severity of a life without a healthy environment would directly impact you so that you can become aware of how to best serve your planet moving forward. With this knowledge, you can better assess how small, everyday actions can either help or hurt the planet in the long run. Your small actions DO count. It’s the small actions of everyone that lead to massive environmental breakthrough and longevity.

Why is Environmental Preservation Important?

Think about this for a second: what would a life overrun by air and water pollution, global warming, smog, acid rain, deforestation, and wildfires look like to you? Doesn’t sound so pleasant, does it? Unfortunately, these are just a few of the environmental challenges the world is facing right now. Since ecosystems are deeply connected to one another and survive based on the survival of other species, when one species goes extinct due to environmental decay, we lose not just that species but other species that looked to it for their own survival. This creates a chain reaction in the animal kingdom, which can directly impact you and your food choices. Even water and air pollution directly affects the quality of food you eat, which affects the quality of your health.

Furthermore, you consume whatever plants consume. This means that if the plants are harmed by chemicals in the air, you are at risk of consuming those same chemicals. Moreover, lack of abundant sunshine or complete obliteration of plants as a result of acid rain or deforestation can cause a serious lack of supplies for the planet to feed on, which all, obviously, affect your health and well-being. Likewise, forests are key in helping to remove carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air we breathe. They also help to cool our air temperature, recharge aquifers (where most people get their drinking water from) and reduce the formation of ground-level ozone, a pollutant that causes heart and lung problems to worsen. For reasons like this and more, environmental preservation is critical to ensure our planet and our well-being are well taken care of.

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Through Environmental Preservation

Now that you understand some of the consequences of what happens when active measures aren’t taken to preserve the environment, it would be in your best interest to learn how to reduce your carbon footprint so that you can prevent these consequences from happening. Some key ways to reduce your carbon footprint through environmental preservation include:

  • Switch from plastic bottles to glass or aluminum bottles: Did you know that it takes 400 years for plastic to decompose? This means that for 400 years or more, our planet, our livestock, and our health are at risk of consuming toxic air pollutants from an overflowing landfill. On the other hand, glass and aluminum are 100% reusable. Aluminum bottles can even be turned into new bottles in 60 days!
  • Eat less meat: You may not realize it but just by limiting your meat consumption, you are helping to drastically reduce your carbon footprint on the planet. Red meat, in particular, consumes 11 times more water and 5 times more emissions than its poultry counterparts. You don’t have to give up meat completely, but any limitation on meat consumption will help!
  • Unplug your devices: Did you know that even if your electronic devices are powered down when plugged in, they are still contributing to your carbon footprint? In fact, this powered down mode is responsible for draining up to $19 billion in energy consumption per year in the U.S.
  • Drive less: Most people have heard of this solution by now but it bears repeating. Ride your bike more, walk, commute to work, take the bus. Whatever you can do when you can do it will help the planet in the long run.
  • Create a garden: We all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide, so planting some trees, flowers, or a vegetable garden can do wonders to help reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Choose local foods when you can: Sticking to foods grown in your local area helps to reduce carbon footprint created from having to ship foods from elsewhere. If you can’t do this, try to avoid consuming as much packaged food as possible. Besides it typically being bad for your health, the packaging generally ends up in a landfill.

Companies that Support Environmental Preservation

By now you probably know how important environmental preservation is to the ecosystem and planet as a whole, however, you may still struggle to figure out how best to support this movement. As previously mentioned, one of the greatest ways to help reduce your carbon footprint on the earth is to utilize glass or aluminum bottles instead of plastic ones. Whereas plastic bottles take hundreds of years to degrade, aluminum bottles can easily be turned into new bottles in a relatively short amount of time. Therefore, skip buying plastic water bottles and instead invest in aluminum or glass bottles that can easily be reused, either by your own means or by the recycling center. Heart Water understands the importance of saving the earth and, as such, has created the purest and most sustainable water on the planet in a reusable, aluminum bottle. We know that it’s the little actions that create big momentum, so we are doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet.

Every step you take to reduce your carbon footprint on the earth is going to help save the planet in the long run. Do your part and invest in aluminum water bottles as a first step in doing your part in protecting our environment today.

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