How to Choose the Best Bottled Water to Drink

Water is essential to every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Since our bodies are made up of 70% water, one can easily conclude that water is vital to a properly functioning body. Because of this, many of us pride ourselves on drinking a certain amount of water per day for health reasons. However, while no one argues that water is necessary to life, many people neglect to think about what source of water they are replenishing their bodies with. Because of this, many people are suffering from various ailments without ever realizing that the water they are consuming may actually be the root of their problems. In fact, when the water you drink is of poor quality, your mind and body cannot function optimally or properly. As such, this may result in unintended short and long-term health consequences, which unfortunately can plague you until the toxins are cleared out of your body.

Fortunately, however, there are ways your body and mind can begin functioning more optimally despite any toxins consumed with impure water. By making the switch to drinking pure, high quality water, your body will immediately begin to flush out toxins more efficiently, helping to cleanse your body and promote a myriad of improved health benefits, such as: a clearer complexion, relieved headaches, weight loss, better digestion, and more. Since these health benefits may be enough for you to decide to make the switch to pure water, you may start to wonder how to determine what “pure” water really is so that you can start to reap the benefits. By learning how to choose the best bottled water to drink and where to find it, you will be on the path to improved health in no time.

Why the Best Quality Bottled Water to Drink is Important

Unfortunately, surface waters and aquifers can be contaminated with various chemicals, causing numerous health concerns in the consumer. While this may not seem like a major concern to you at the moment, learning what the common sources of drinking water contaminants are might be enough for you to determine that investing in high quality water is worth the switch. Some of these common sources of water contamination include:

  • Industry and agriculture: solvents, petroleum, and heavy metals from disposal sites can leak into your water despite disinfection of water taking place before you put your cup to the sink. Furthermore, pesticides and fertilizers can be carried into lakes and streams and can contaminate aquifers.
  • Human and animal waste: Sewage and septic systems can carry harmful microbes into drinking water sources
  • Treatment and distribution: Even though treatment can remove many contaminants in water, it can also leave behind harmful byproducts, especially if there is a break in the piping system or the plumbing is made out of lead or copper.
  • Natural sources: Some of these may include ground water traveling through rock or soil that contains naturally occurring arsenic, heavy metals, or radionuclides

Because drinking water can contain such unsafe contaminants as those just mentioned, it is fair to assume that there can be many health effects caused from consuming unsafe, toxic water. Exposure to high doses of toxic chemicals can lead to skin discoloration or long-term health problems such as organ or nervous system damage along with developmental or reproductive damage. Even exposure with lower doses of chemicals over a longer period of time can lead to cancer. Additionally, common illnesses caused by consuming water with disease-causing microbes may result in stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, and kidney failure. Even infectious diseases such as hepatitis can occur.

How to Determine What the Best Bottled Water to Drink Is

With increased knowledge that drinking water may be contaminated with various chemicals, microbes, and radionuclides, you may start thinking about making the switch to drinking bottled water, if you haven’t already done so. While this may seem like a good place to start, what you may not realize is that even the “pure” water you’ve been buying in the store may not be as “pure” as you may have originally thought.

Here are some tips to ensure you are consuming the best and healthiest bottled water for your body :

  • Look for alkalized water: consuming water with a higher pH level than regular drinking water may provide numerous health benefits, such as helping people with certain health conditions like: high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
  • Know your plastics or better yet, go for glass or a reusable aluminum bottle: make sure to look to see which of the following abbreviations is placed on the bottle. Consuming plastic can cause imbalances in your body. Some plastics to be on the lookout for are:
    • High density and low density polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE): some of the relatively safest plastics as they release less chemicals in the water. However, don’t expose them to sunlight for long periods of time since they can release endocrine disrupting chemicals.
    • Polypropylene (PP): although relatively safe, it's always best to replace the bottle after one use.
    • Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET): this type of plastic releases chemicals that have been linked to hormonal imbalances.
    • Polyvinyl chloride (V or Vinyl or PVC): Avoid this plastic! It’s the most hazardous of all plastics, infusing waters with harmful chemicals such as BPA, phthalates, lead, dioxins, mercury, cadmium, and more.
    • Polystyrene (PS): NEVER use! Also known as Styrofoam, this type of bottle requires the use of a carcinogen to produce!
    • Other: If you see an “O” on the label, it’s made from a plastic other than the ones previously mentioned and should be avoided.
  • Avoid added chemicals: fluoride, nitrates, and chlorine do not belong in water. Make sure the water you are drinking isn’t contaminated with those added chemicals

The Best Bottled Water to Drink

Unfortunately, while many water brands on the market claim to be the “best” and “healthiest” for your body, this is far from the truth. In fact, only a very small percentage of water brands truly take all of the harmful chemical factors into account and ensure their water quality is up to high health standards. Heart Water is one of the few brands on the market that uphold these high quality standards with their water. Utilizing one of the most naturally purest and sustainable sources of water on the planet, rainwater, and packaging it in a safe and renewable aluminum bottle, Heart Water ensures that you are getting the best and healthiest bottled water to drink on the market.

Do yourself a favor and drink some of the purest water on the planet. Your body and mind will thank you for investing in its well-being today.

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